

时间:2024-04-01 15:29:07分类:励志名言作者:lz268站长


"Robinson Crusoe" or "The Life and Strange Surprizing Adventure of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner" is a novel by Daniel Defoe, first published in 1719. The novel's protagonist, Robinson Crusoe, is a young man from York who dreams of adventure and travels to London to seek his fortune. He embarks on a voyage that eventually leads him to be stranded on a deserted island. He must learn to survive and fend for himself in this harsh new environment. "Robinson Crusoe" has since become a classic of English literature and has inspired countless adaptations and retellings.


The Shipwreck

The novel begins with Crusoe's decision to leave home and sail to London to become a merchant. After several successful voyages, he sets out on a trip to Guinea to buy slaves. However, a storm hits the ship, and Crusoe is the only survivor. He washes up on the shore of a deserted island, completely alone and with only a few supplies salvaged from the wreckage. Crusoe is forced to figure out how to survive in this new, harsh environment.

Survival on the Island

Crusoe quickly realizes that he must learn to fend for himself if he is to survive. He builds a shelter, learns to make fire, and hunts and fishes for food. He also cultivates crops and raises goats, which eventually provide him with milk, cheese, and meat. He spends years alone on the island, developing skills and knowledge that help him survive. However, he also struggles with loneliness and despair, longing for human connection and companionship.

The Arrival of Friday

One day, Crusoe spots a group of cannibals on the island, preparing to kill and eat their captives. Crusoe intervenes and saves one of the captives, a native from a nearby island. Crusoe names him Friday and teaches him English and Western customs. Friday becomes a devoted companion and helps Crusoe with his daily tasks. Crusoe now has a loyal ally and a friend with whom he can share his experiences and thoughts.

The Return to Civilization

After several years on the island, Crusoe is rescued by a group of English sailors who happen upon the island. Crusoe is overjoyed to be returning home after so many years of isolation, but he is also saddened to leave behind his island and his loyal friend Friday. When he returns to England, he discovers that his wealth has grown exponentially due to his investments, and he finds happiness in his newfound wealth and status. However, he remains haunted by his experiences on the island and by the knowledge that his life was saved by the same slave trade he had once profited from.


"Robinson Crusoe" continues to be a timeless classic of English literature, exploring themes of survival, isolation, and the search for identity. The novel has inspired countless adaptations, from movies to television shows to video games. The enduring popularity of "Robinson Crusoe" reflects its universal appeal and its ability to provoke thought and discussion about the human experience.





